Monday, May 21, 2012

The True Job Creators Are Consumers Who Drive Demand Side

A Millionaire Capitalist Skewers 'The Super-Rich are the Job Creators' Fairy Tale

This 5-minute Ted Talk sets it all straight, and not from the mouth of some Commie, pinko, hippie type!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Activists Ashley Judd, Vilma Cueva Put National Political Spotlight on Williamson County, TN

"It is my desire that this will be an inspiration for our Latina women in Tennessee, in the whole country and the world.  Yes, we count!" ---Vilma Cueva

Photo: Vilma Cueva and Chip Forrester, chairman of Tennessee Democratic Party, after she was chosen to be a delegate to the Democratic National Convention beginning Sept. 3 in Charlotte, NC

"Para leer en espanol"

Williamson County is in the spotlight this presidential election year as social justice activist Ashley Judd of Franklin and Hispanic activist Vilma Cueva of Spring Hill have been selected to represent Tennessee at the Democratic National Convention. 

While Ashley, more widely known as an actor than activist, will be a delegate for the first time, she has been a long-time worker for human rights.  Ashley recently has been speaking out for American women, who are under siege from extremist Republicans who seem to long for the days before women could vote or own property.

Vilma has worked as an activist for Hispanic families.  She has registered numerous Latino Americans to vote, and she conducts workshops on citizenship.  Vilma is involved in issues that affect women, children's health, poverty and educational opportunities and fair treatment for disabled persons. 

The Democratic National Convention begins Sept. 3 in Charlotte, NC.

Vilma's rallying cry to Latinos in Tennessee is this:  "If you are a resident, become a citizen. If you are a citizen, register to vote.  If you are registered to vote, vote Democratic."

Attorney Gerard Stranch of Franklin and Franklin's Elisa Parker, who is vice chair of the Tennessee Democratic Party, are other Williamson Countians who will be convention delegates.

"For me this is historic," said Cueva, the day after she was chosen and after she wrapped up a Sunday afternoon workshop she conducted on citizenship at a local church. "This is huge as a woman and a Hispanic. I am vibrating from the experience. I am doing this for thousands of women in Tennessee.

"Hispanic women need to understand there is a purpose for being in this country besides our regular duties at home," Cueva said. "We need to wake up and be involved and take action.

"We have a great value as mothers. We count," said Cueva. "We are raising the next generation of Americans. In our hands is the future of our children and our world. Hispanic mothers need to be active in their community and vote and participate in politics so people can respect you for who you are and what you do.

"For the entire Hispanic community, this message needs to be heard loud and clear: We need to participate in democracy and vote and get involved. The Democratic Party is willing to embrace us so that we can participate in politics and shape the future of this country."

Cueva, who was born in Peru, has been an American citizen 14 years.  She moved in 2003 to Spring Hill, where she lives with her husband Victor and two American-born sons.  Cueva is a member of the Thompson Station Baptist Church, and she works as a bilingual specialist for an insurance company. 

Right:  Ashley Judd with "Irene," whom Ashley met while on a humanitarian mission in Rwanda.

Delegada Latina del Condado Williamson para la Convencion Democrata Nacional 2012

"Si eres un residente, inscribete para ser ciudadano...

 "Si eres un ciudadano, inscribete para votar...

 "Si estas registrado para votar, vota como Democrata! 

"Nosotros si contamos!"

---Vilma Cueva  (en la fota con Chip Forrester, chairman del Partido Democratico de Tennessee)

"Es mi deseo que esto sea una inspiracion para nuestras mujeres Latinas en TN, en todo el Pais y ." –Vilma Cueva

"To read in English"

La activista Hispano-americana Vilma V. Cueva y la activista de justicia social Ashley Judd de Williamson County fueron elegidas por el Partido Democratico de TN para servir como delegadas a la Convencion Nacional del Partido Democratico en Septiembre 3, 2012, en Charlotte, N.C.

Cueva, de Spring Hill, esta activa en muchos temas que afectan a los Hispanos Americanos, incluyendo Ciudadania, inscripcion de votantes, pobreza, comunidad, salud y logros en la educacion. Mientras que Judd, de Franklin, is ampliamente conocida como actriz del cine y la television, ella es una activista trotadora global de los derechos humanos, alivio de la pobreza, salud publica, justicia social, y otros asuntos. Judd tambien ha apoyado a los Democratas de Williamson County, por ejemplo haciendo campana a favor de la candidate para Senadora Estatal Mary Parker in 2006 y presto su voz para hacer las llamadas tipo robot para los votantes.

El Fiscal Gerard Stranch de Franklin tambien fue elegido el Sabado 31, por el Comite Ejecutivo del Partido Democratico de TN como uno de los 18 delegados en-grande. Asi como lo fueron Cueva and Judd---y ellos se uniran a la Vice-presidenta del Partido Democratico de TN Elisa Parker de Franklin como delegados por Obama A la Convencion National.

“Para mi esto es historico,” dijo Cueva. “Esto es grandioso como Mujer y como Hispana. Yo estoy emocionada por esta experiencia. Yo hago esto a nombre de las miles de mujeres immigrants en Tennessee.

"Las mujeres Hispanas necesitan entender que el proposito de estar en este pais, ademas de nuestras tareas cotidianas en la casa," Cueva dijo. "Nosotras necesitamos despertar y estar involucradas, participar, tomar accion.

"Nosotras tenemos un gran valor como Madres. Nosotras si contamos," dijo Cueva. "Nosotras estamos criando la proxima generacion de los Americanos.

En nuestras manos esta el futuro de nuestros hijos y de nuestro alrededor. Las Madres Hispanas necesitan estar activas en su Comunidad, deben votar, deben participar en la politica para que la gente nos pueda respetar por quien eres y por lo que haces.

"Para toda la Comunidad Hispana; este mensaje necesita ser escuchado con claridad y firmeza. Nosotros necesitamos participar en Democracia, votar y estar involucrados en el proceso politico de este pais. El Partido Democratico esta abierto a nuestra participacion en la politica para darle forma al futuro de este Pais.”

Cueva, quien nacio en Peru, America del Sur se hizo Ciudadana Americana hace 14 anos. Ella se mudo a Spring Hill en el 2003, donde vive con su esposo y sus dos hijos Americanos nacidos en este pais. Cueva es miembro de la Iglesia Thompson Station Baptist Church, y ella trabaja como bilingue en una compania de seguros de carro.

Para mas informacion llamar al 615-947-2528.